10 Commandments Every Facebook Administrator Must Follow

Find it hard to prioritize Facebook as an administrator? It's very simple - all you need is to follow a few rules and you will have your Facebook page under control. We have 10 of the most important things that you need to follow:


1. The administrator needs to track statistics on the Facebook page (Insights) at least once a week.

2. The administrator must not ignore the comments or messages fans. Best to respond to all messages and comments within 24 hours.

3. The administrator must be up to date with all the Facebook updates, rules and updates. Take a 30 minutes a day to stay informed.

4. The administrator must not post only business publication. Follow 70/20/10 rule: 70% of valuable and relevant content, 20% humorous content and 10% promotional content.

5. The administrator must consistently publish content, at least three times a day throughout the day.

6. The administrator must not forget to update the cover photo. Once a month is ideal.

7. The administrator needs to make a planned announcement on weekends and days when he/she is not in the office.

8. The administrator must do the promotion website only in holiday time, like during Christmas and Valentine's Day, but throughout the year.

9. The administrator must not allow cheating in competitions on their Facebook page.

10. The administrator must not give great importance to the number of likes - more important is to collect data such as e-mails and have an interesting communication with fans.


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