Pinterest Etiquette - 8 Rules to Follow

To look professional on the globally popular social network Pinterest, you must follow the written and unwritten rules. Many people do not know what they can and cannot work on Pinterest and we are here to help you with an overview of the most important rules.

Specify pin source
It is absolutely prohibited to delete the source of pin of another person and add your own. Also, do not add a description of the pin which alludes that pin is original.

Check pin source
When you share someone's pin, check the source to avoid spamming. If it is spam, do not share it, because it harms your reputation on this social network.

Don't use other people's photographs
Do not download pictures from the Internet, and then upload them as your pin. It is stealing and you could run into serious problems.

Do not just promote your own images. Share pictures that you know will appeal to your followers. It is good manners to pin and re-pin other content, especially images that you know your followers will like. It works in your favour, as people will then re-pin your content.

Pin little and often
There is nothing worse than seeing your Pinterest account filled with images of the same user, because it looks like spam, so your followers can stop to follow. Pin little, but more often during a day.

Add descriptions
It often happens that users do not add captions to your images. Descriptions will lead to more re-pins.

When someone comments on your photos, respond! Ignoring people is rude.

Say Thanks
Pinterest is not known as overly talkative platform, it is obvious that all is about images. Do you need to react when someone re-pin your picture? Yes, say Thanks - kindness is always desirable.



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