Mistakes Everyone Makes on Social Networks

This post is not about advice and instructions of how to manage a Facebook page, how often you should publish content or how to collect a certain number of fans. The aim of this post is to divert attention to some mistakes that are common in the management of content, but we are not often aware of them and we do not think about the consequences.


Ignoring fans
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to ignore your fans. It does not matter how much your Facebook page has fans because every fan is important and each comment is significant. Daily interaction with fans is required - you can not afford to ignore questions, comments or requests. So be active on a daily basis and always try to give answers to questions of your fans, even if they are meaningless. This is the only way to show your fans that you care about them.

Sharing outdated infos
In an era of digital advertising and social media, it is very important to keep up with the latest information, trends and news. Today, everything is rapidly changing - trends and technologies are changing almost daily, the fact that we believe to be true and relevant today, tomorrow will be denied. So, before you post anything, always make sure that your information is new and fresh.

Violating the terms of use and privacy policy
It's very important to have a privacy policy and terms of use clearly visible on your Facebook page, especially if you are organizing contests and games. 

Writing vague and confusing content
If you are writing user manuals, rules of competition, announcing events or promotions, write content short and clear. Long and complicated instructions and contest rules are often very confusing for most users. Many of them do not want to bother reading long texts on the usage conditions, resulting in a breach of the rules and disqualification. If this happens, you can expect that these users will be very unhappy, will begin to write negative comments on your Facebook page, and it's something you definitely want to avoid.

Not recognizing mistakes
No matter what business you're in, or which marketing strategy you use, errors may occur. All kinds of delays, technical problems, misunderstandings and similar defects need to honestly admited and you should offer your fans an alternative solution and compensation for any inconvenience. It is always better to be honest with your fans and customers than to lie or look for excuses. This type of behavior can only damage your image and reputation. So, be honest, as you would want others to be honest with you.

Being excessively formal
Anyone who manage Facebook page or communicate with fans on a daily basis knows that customers often ask the same questions. And then the managers have a tendency to "automaticly" answer, i.e. send the same answers to many users. Although this answer is correct, managers should avoid using the "robot voice". Try to talk with customers on a personal level. Do not use the same sentence so that users would not gain the impression that your answers are just a copy / paste.

Anyone can make a mistake in writing, but when you're writing posts on social networks, it is something that you should never let happen. You should be aware that hundreds or thousands of users see your post, and that many of them will notice the mistake. It will send a wrong picture of you and your company. You will look very unprofessional and irresponsible. So, before you post anything, always read a few times and use all the available grammar checking tools.


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