HKK Široki - Facebook Ads

Advertising campaigns on Facebook for HKK Široki began on 03/05/2014 and lasted for a month. Before advertising, the number of fans on Facebook page HKK Široki was 4500, and after the ad campaigns that number increased to 6911 with the budget of 100 euros. Target audience were men and women from the area of Herzegovina, especially in Siroki Brijeg, whose interests are sports, basketball, etc.


• increase youth interest in basketball
• promote HKK Široki
• increase the number of Facebook fans
• improve online communication with the fans of the club

• Facebook ads
• audience targeting
• campaign edit
• report

• 966 250 unique people saw ads
• 166 942 reach
• 5,37 times ad shown per person on average
• 3707 clicks
• 3324 actions
• 2411 new fans


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