Jelić Auto - Facebook Campaign

Jelic Auto is a house with a wide range of Volkswagen and Audi vehicles with the service department with the most advanced technology. Until recently, Jelic Auto used classic marketing channels for advertising, but there was a Facebook page that was launched in June 2011. The number of fans on the page was slowly growing - hundreds of fans in a year. Management of Jelic Auto has decided to hire us to conduct official Facebook page.


• create fan's awareness about products and services Jelic Cars
• engage with fans
• respond to all queries in real time
• achieve that the official Facebook page is the place to inform
• information update
• create a relationship with fans
• reward fans


Facebook ads for the promotion and prize games to attract users to the Facebook page are created, and there were also three giveaways (photo contest, coupon giveaway and essay prize competition) in a different period of time, using a Facebook application. Besides Facebook ad campaign, promotion is based on the creation of quality content on the Facebook page.

• all posts are branded with logo of Jelic Auto
• creating content related to offer
• photo galleries
• interaction with fans
• updating posts


At the time of overtaking the Facebook page of Jelic Auto, the number of fans was about 100, and today, after six months there are 7,000 fans, which is approximately 70 times higher than it was in November. Users regularly like, comment and share content. Greater interaction with customers in real time in achieved. Auto Jelic substantiate its business strategy on the fact that every customer and potential customer vehicles as important and special. Constantly on the page, they have inquiries in inbox or in comments related to their offer, services and more. Customers have recognized the official Facebook page Jelic Auta as the place of information.


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