Beauty Salon Mona Lisa - Facebook Campaign

The main goal of the marketing campaign for Beauty Salon Mona Lisa's promotion of cosmetic services and education in Herzegovina and Croatia, primarily toward the target group - women between 18 and 40 years. Facebook campaign was a logical choice as the cheapest and the most effective way of promotion so that as many people as quickly as possible find out about the beauty salon. Facebook campaign lasted from November 7 to December 6, 2013.




  • promote beauty salon Mona Lisa in Herzegovina and Croatia, to females from 18 to 40 years old
  • promote education and training courses
  • increase the number of Facebook fans
  • increase the engagement of fans
  • increase the awareness on social media
  • create a specific user base with which the client can be in a daily communication and respond to their queries in real time, explain their services and the like


  • Facebook Ads
  • Boost Post
  • Promote Page
  • audience targeting
  • daily monitoring of the effectiveness
  • photo design
  • info editing


  • 205 533 impressions
  • 467 950 reach
  • 2.28 times an ad is shown per person
  • 4851 ads clicks
  • 10 823 actions
  • 2480 new fans
  • 2706 interactions
  • 1 800 000 targeted people



Facebook advertising with the combination of ads, sponsored posts and promotion of "beauty salon Mona Lisa" yielded excellent results in every aspect towards defined objectives, which can best be seen by the numerous inquiries via inbox. In a qualitative way we interacted with existing customers and attracted new ones, and at the same time we exposed them to visuals and photographs of the Mona Lisa Salon.


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